About 4 Rivers

watersheds-mapThe Chicopee River Watershed is the largest in Massachusetts and the largest in the entire Connecticut River basin. (its the rose color area near the center)

Before 2014, the watershed  had no active river group advocating for its conservation and community enjoyment. The former ChicRWC had gone dormant, C4RWC is the fresh effort to renew a group to provide stewardship and enjoyment of the 4 rivers of the Chicopee basin: Ware, Quaboag, Swift, Chicopee. We added the “4” to emphasize our reach to ALL local rivers.

C4R’s focus covers these efforts:

  1.  Blue Trails – river access, recreation, connection
  2.  Monitoring – river health, community health, citizen science
  3.  Clean ups – restoration, stewardship
  4.  Organizing – events, support, needed funding, leadership
  5.  Education – know our local rivers, water quality issues, nature

If you wish to join in the effort, contact us, or come to an event!    

See our mission statement!    C4RWC Mission

The kingfisher – a fitting mascot: this bird has been the mascot for the watershed for many years. It lives along rivers and streams and nests in burrows along the banks. The Belted Kingfisher seems to have an air of self-importance as it patrols up and down rivers and shorelines. Its distinct “chatter” can be heard as it flies by.


They feed almost entirely on aquatic prey, diving to catch fish and crayfish with its heavy, straight bill. These ragged-crested birds are a powdery blue-gray; males have one blue band across the white breast, while females have a blue and a chestnut band.

More Basin Information:

ChicRWC-4R -rivers map of the watershed boundaries.

ChicRWC-4R towns  map of towns in basin.

c4r-stream-list-2017    List of streams in the watershed

Watershed towns list: chicopee R watershed towns list

Watershed Facts link: A Few Watershed Facts

4rivers-beginnings  2014 report link.

C4R Team

daviesontheotter-dsrKeith Davies: Coordinator – grew up along the Chicopee River in Ludlow, now a Ware resident. He has experience in water resource protection, monitoring, river trail creation, and public outreach, all of which he uses to serve the 4 Rivers. “Rivers have always mesmerized me, so it is a pleasure to work to help connect people to our 4 great local rivers.”

DSCN0172 copyJim Emerson: Events – lives along the Chicopee River and loves to get out and paddle and be on a river. Jim’s enthusiasm and joy makes for a great day on the water.


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